Épisode 3
The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Invisibles
Part 3/3
The third episode opens on a world of drug trafficking that has been fragmented by the efforts of the police. Dealers have now changed; invisibility is their chief weapon.
The trade has shifted to areas beyond law-and-order, like war zones in Afghanistan or areas with guerilla activity like Colombia. Designer drugs, which are easy to manufacture and conceal, play a key role in the transformation of the traffic.
In Mexico, the cartels have dragged the whole country into a merciless spiral of violence – wherever one looks, the toll of the war on drugs makes for grim reading. This poses the question: Is it time to legalize drugs, radically changing the current situation and perhaps the way we perceive them?
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Français, Allemand, Anglais
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Qu’est-ce que les dossiers thématiques ?
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