Épisode 1

The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Source Of The Evil

Part 1/3


In the 19th century, opium use spread throughout Asia, promoted by colonial powers. Meanwhile, the western pharmaceutical industry was developing some miraculous products, such as morphine, cocaine, and heroin.
Addiction became a global scourge, and prohibition gradually became the norm. But outlawing these substances gave rise to the first drug-trafficking networks, which often sought to operate under state protection. These networks underwent unprecedented growth during the Cold War, when secret services used the drug trade as a political instrument. The United States paid the price for this: In 1970, one third of their troops in Vietnam were addicted to heroin. A year later, in an historic speech, President Richard Nixon launched the war on drugs.

Versions disponibles


Français, Allemand, Anglais


Français, Allemand



Épisodes de la série

Thumbnail for The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Source Of The Evil

The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Source Of The Evil

Thumbnail for The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Age Of The Barons

The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Age Of The Barons

Thumbnail for The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Invisibles

The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Invisibles

Accompagnements pédagogiques

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1 dossier thématique

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Thumbnail for The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Age Of The Barons

The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Age Of The Barons

Thumbnail for The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Invisibles

The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Invisibles

Thumbnail for The Story Of Drug Trafficking
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The Story Of Drug Trafficking

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