
Corleone : Mafia and Blood - Power Through Bloodshed

Part 1/2


Mosco Levi Boucault's film retraces over two parts the extraordinary destiny of Totò Riina (1930-2017), the son of a peasant from Corleone, a small Sicilian town 60km from Palermo, who became the "capo de tutti capi " of the local Mafia, Cosa Nostra.
It is a tale that is neither mythical nor romantic, a wild and bloody adventure, almost Shakespearian in its drama, dotted with hundreds of killings around the eternal conflict between the thirst for power and the rule of law. Mainly based on exclusive and gripping testimony of underworld killers-turned-informers, the first part tracks the irresistible and merciless ascension of a cunning and ambitious man, who killed and schemed his way into the triumvirate which ran Cosa Nostra. From then on, he imposed a reign of terror, eliminating anyone who opposed him within Cosa Nostra and, for the first time in the history of the Mafia, assassinating representatives of institutions that were fighting it, including magistrates, police officers, politicians and journalists. This escalation culminated in 1982 with the slaying of General Alberto Dalla Chiesa, sent by Rome re-establish order in Sicily. Totò Riina then ruled over the whole island with impunity.

Available Versions


French, English, German


French, Spanish, English



To go further

Thumbnail for The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Age Of The Barons

The Story of Drug Trafficking - The Age Of The Barons