
How Chaplin Became The Tramp


How did a street child, born in one of the most underprivileged districts of London, become the most famous man in the world in the space of a few years?
Everything has been said, shown and recounted regarding the legend of Charlie Chaplin. Everything… or nearly everything! How did cinema, which was only just reaching adulthood, free itself from Music Hall and Vaudeville to suddenly burst into modernity in such a short time, evolving from the status of fairground attraction to an industry generating fortunes and creating almost instant celebrities? Our film relives the history of the success of Chaplin, going beyond the era and fashions, and examine the birth of an icon, on its centenary, whose outline alone sums up what is most brilliant, moving and inventive in cinema. We explore the mystery of this almost instant success, and the universality of a silhouette that has lasted for over a century. A production with Chaplin Association.

Versions disponibles


Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien


Français, Espagnol, Anglais, Italien



Accompagnements pédagogiques

Qu’est-ce que les dossiers thématiques ?
Qu’est-ce qu'une fiche pédagogique ?

1 dossier thématique

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"Parlare in italiano per favore" // A Selection Of Programs In Italian !

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