
Mapping the World - Faster, Faster! From Solar Time To Nanoseconds


Why is it that, despite time-saving technologies, everyone seems to be in more and more of a hurry, always behind schedule? Might it be because speeding up production creates expectations of higher and higher productivity?
We are leading increasingly fast-paced lives. It is something that is happening all over the world, in every sector, on all the continents, and it is affecting every area of life. This documentary looks at how our attitudes to time have changed since the not-so-distant past when there were no clocks and people told the time by looking at the sun, and shows how lifestyles governed by urgency, in which every nanosecond counts, end up triggering an urge to slow down that will not be denied.

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History Of Digital Technology And Computing

To go further

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The Invisible [R]Evolution

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