
The Invisible [R]Evolution


Across the world, citizens refuse to submit to the dictates of urgency and immediacy

We have entered the era of globalized acceleration. Speed ​​and short term have become the norm of society. Put under pressure by the financial and technological acceleration, we are still trying to follow a rhythm which nevertheless leads us towards ecological, economic and social disasters announced. But some of us have decided not to give in to the injunction of immediacy, by experimenting – individually or collectively – with local and concrete alternatives, in order to “live well”. Every day all over the world, in Europe, Latin America, the United States or even in India, they work to give meaning to time. On the margins of the dominant paradigm, they may already be contributing to the new world of tomorrow.

Technical and artistic sheet

  • Directors : Philippe Borrel, sur une idée originale de Noël Mamère
  • Producers : Arte France, Cinétévé
  • Year : 2014
  • Nationality : France

Educational support

What are thematics?
What is a educational sheet?

11 thematics

Thumbnail for Biodiversity Challenged by Human Activities


Biodiversity Challenged by Human Activities

Thumbnail for A World In Transition


A World In Transition

Thumbnail for Social Economy And Solidarity


Social Economy And Solidarity

Thumbnail for The Outlines Of Globalization


The Outlines Of Globalization

Thumbnail for Consumer Society


Consumer Society

Thumbnail for Labor And Globalization : The "Human Factor"


Labor And Globalization : The "Human Factor"

Thumbnail for Finance And Circulation Of Capital


Finance And Circulation Of Capital

Thumbnail for Resilience : Resist, Rebound, Reinvent


Resilience : Resist, Rebound, Reinvent

Thumbnail for Millennium Development Goals


Millennium Development Goals

Thumbnail for Stress : When The Body Speaks Out


Stress : When The Body Speaks Out

Thumbnail for Social work, a strong link in social cohesion


Social work, a strong link in social cohesion

To go further

Thumbnail for Debt Machine

Debt Machine

Thumbnail for Unbreathable : Cities On The Verge Of Asphyxiation

Unbreathable : Cities On The Verge Of Asphyxiation

Thumbnail for Work, Wages and Profit - Work

Work, Wages and Profit - Work

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Faster, Faster! From Solar Time To Nanoseconds

Mapping the World - Faster, Faster! From Solar Time To Nanoseconds