Episode 4

A History of the European Working Class - Time Of Destruction

Part 4/4


In the 1930's, the working class seems very powerful. But again, it will be defeated. In Spain, Franco, in Germany, Hitler, in Italy, Mussolini, enslave Europe and the workers become pawns to do the dirty work.
In the 1930's, the working class seems very powerful. But again, it will be defeated. In Spain, Franco, in Germany, Hitler, in Italy, Mussolini, enslave Europe and the workers become pawns to do the dirty work. After the war, the Soviet block deprive workers of trade unions and the right to strike, while claiming to represent them. In the West, the working conditions get better, in the purest Fordist tradition. Today deindustrialization has caused mass unemployment and social misery. We talk of the disappearance of the working class.

Available Versions


French, German, English


French, German, English, Spanish



Episodes of the series

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A History of the European Working Class - The Factory 1700-1820

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A History of the European Working Class - The Barricades 1840-1913

Thumbnail for A History of the European Working Class - Chain Time 1914-1939

A History of the European Working Class - Chain Time 1914-1939

Thumbnail for A History of the European Working Class - Time Of Destruction

A History of the European Working Class - Time Of Destruction

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A History of the European Working Class - Chain Time 1914-1939

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