Naturopolis - The Greening of Paris
Episode 4/4
Opening new paths to biodiversity is one of the main challenges for the city of Paris. It is a green movement in small steps, a living, warm and responsible impetus instilled by inhabitants but also builders, thinkers, scientists.
Traumatized by the heat wave of 2003, Paris has embarked on an all-out greening. 80 hectares of roofs could be vegetated! A few years ago, the launch of the Greater Paris project gave rise to a proliferation of green ideas and today constitutes a veritable laboratory.
The Serie : “Naturopolis” will dive into the heart of some of the most original urban ideas, those that might ensure the success of a human-created ecosystem. Here lies the great challenge of the 21st century.
Available Versions
French, German, English
French, German, English