Episode 3

Naturopolis - Rio: From Chaos to Sustainability

Episode 3/4


De jour comme de nuit, quatre cents spécialistes, employés par le Centre des opérations de Rio de Janeiro, surveillent les battements de cœur de la ville.

Swarming with the activity of 12 million people, exposed to rising sea levels and an anarchic urbanization that is gradually eating away at the mountains, the Brazilian megalopolis lives today under the permanent threat of floods and deadly collapses. The Atlantic forest, richer in biodiversity than the Amazon, has been largely destroyed and the waters that water the city have reached such a level of toxicity, due to urban and industrial pollution, that the fauna and flora are significantly depleted. How did we get here ? Deforestation began at the time of the first settlers, who gave in to what José Padoua, professor of environmental history, calls the "myth of endless nature". The city then grew by weaving between natural obstacles, until the runaway of the 1970s, marked by the eruption of skyscrapers and the expansion of favelas.


City-Nature Can we still go back? Even before the pacification of the favelas, which enabled the poorest to have access to health services, citizens mobilized to ensure that nature regains its rights: development of shared gardens, recycling of waste, production of solar energy, restoration of the mangrove... At the city level, when six million trees have already been planted, the "green corridors", a program promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, aim to restore exchanges between the different ecosystems in order to to regenerate animal and plant species. Humanist architects like Jorge Mario Jauregui, at war against social inequalities, see further, dreaming of transforming Rio into the planet's green capital by 2020...


The Serie : Naturopolis will dive into the heart of some of the most original urban ideas, those that might ensure the success of a human-created ecosystem. Here lies the great challenge of the 21st century.

Available Versions


French, German, English


French, German, English



Episodes of the series

Thumbnail for Naturopolis -  New York, the green revolution

Naturopolis - New York, the green revolution

Thumbnail for Naturopolis - The Greening of Paris

Naturopolis - The Greening of Paris

Thumbnail for Naturopolis -  Rio: From Chaos to Sustainability

Naturopolis - Rio: From Chaos to Sustainability

Thumbnail for Naturopolis - Tokyo, from megalopolis to garden-city

Naturopolis - Tokyo, from megalopolis to garden-city

Educational support

What are thematics?
What is a educational sheet?

4 thematics

Thumbnail for Ecological Transition And Sustainable Development


Ecological Transition And Sustainable Development

Thumbnail for Cities And Sustainable Development - Living Better


Cities And Sustainable Development - Living Better

Thumbnail for Biodiversity Challenged by Human Activities


Biodiversity Challenged by Human Activities

Thumbnail for Resilience : Resist, Rebound, Reinvent


Resilience : Resist, Rebound, Reinvent

To go further

Thumbnail for Naturopolis - The Greening of Paris

Naturopolis - The Greening of Paris

Thumbnail for Voyage of the Continents - South America

Voyage of the Continents - South America

Thumbnail for Cities of Tomorrow - Vertical Farms

Cities of Tomorrow - Vertical Farms

Thumbnail for Unbreathable : Cities On The Verge Of Asphyxiation

Unbreathable : Cities On The Verge Of Asphyxiation

Thumbnail for Architectures - The Citadel Of Leisure - The Pompeia Social Service Centre In Sao Paulo

Architectures - The Citadel Of Leisure - The Pompeia Social Service Centre In Sao Paulo

Thumbnail for Naturopolis
4 episodes


Thumbnail for Cities Of Tomorrow
3 episodes

Cities Of Tomorrow

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Brazil Innovation On Board - Recycling Plastic In Rio

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Mapping the World - Brazil, The Ever-Emerging Nation