Épisode 12

Mapping the World - India: Dreams Of Power?


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi dreams of seeing India rival China among the global powers. The race is on between the two Asian Titans: when China launched its concept of "New Silk Roads " in 2013, India retaliated with its "Trade Route ".

India has also been trying to exert influence over its immediate neighbors in the Indian Ocean as well as developing ties with Japan and the United States to counteract Chinese influence. But does India have the right strategy for power?


The Serie : Then complex world of geopolitics broken down into ten minute, bite-sized chunks. You'll never sound uninformed at the dinner table ever again.

Versions disponibles


Français, Allemand, Anglais


Français, Espagnol, Anglais, Italien, Polonais



Épisodes de la série

Thumbnail for Mapping The World - Who Defends Europe ?

Mapping The World - Who Defends Europe ?

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Cities: Never Without My Car?

Mapping the World - Cities: Never Without My Car?

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - When Sport Becomes Political

Mapping the World - When Sport Becomes Political

Thumbnail for Mapping The World - Catalonia The Spanish Imbroglio

Mapping The World - Catalonia The Spanish Imbroglio

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Hong Kong Returns To China

Mapping the World - Hong Kong Returns To China

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Space: A New Stake Of Power?

Mapping the World - Space: A New Stake Of Power?

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - A New Geopolitical Cyber Space

Mapping the World - A New Geopolitical Cyber Space

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Poland: What Place In Europe?

Mapping the World - Poland: What Place In Europe?

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Australia: A Western Or Eastern Power?

Mapping the World - Australia: A Western Or Eastern Power?

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Artificial Intelligence: An Instrument Of Power?

Mapping the World - Artificial Intelligence: An Instrument Of Power?

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Europe: After The Ebb, The Flow?

Mapping the World - Europe: After The Ebb, The Flow?

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - India: Dreams Of Power?

Mapping the World - India: Dreams Of Power?

Thumbnail for Mapping The World -  Trade : Conquering The Oceans

Mapping The World - Trade : Conquering The Oceans

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Automotive: A Globalized Industry

Mapping the World - Automotive: A Globalized Industry

Thumbnail for Mapping The World - The Planet Of The Languages

Mapping The World - The Planet Of The Languages

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - Food: Globalization On Our Plates?

Mapping the World - Food: Globalization On Our Plates?

Accompagnements pédagogiques

Qu’est-ce que les dossiers thématiques ?
Qu’est-ce qu'une fiche pédagogique ?

2 dossiers thématiques

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The Diversity Of The Asian Continent

Thumbnail for China, The World's New Superpower ?


China, The World's New Superpower ?

Pour aller plus loin

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - All episodes dubbed in English
40 épisodes

Mapping the World - All episodes dubbed in English

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India II - The Angels Of Maharashtra

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Dates that Made History - 1526 – Babur Takes Over India At Panipat

Thumbnail for India I - The Healers Warriors

India I - The Healers Warriors

Thumbnail for Mapping the World - The Never-Ending Struggle For Kashmir

Mapping the World - The Never-Ending Struggle For Kashmir