Episode 2

The Legends of Paris - Life as a novel (1834-1848)

Episode 2/4


Hugo is elected to the Académie Française, Dumas inaugurates his theater, Balzac has already written 50 novels and intends to write twice as many, as La Comédie Humaine fills his every thought. The newly divorced Sand opens the doors of her Nohant estate to her friends, where Delacroix's paintings mix with the music of Chopin, as words flow in abundance from George's pen. In Paris, Nerval and Gautier elevate bohemianism into a new way of life. Together, they begin forging their own myths, even if it means romanticizing their lives.

Hugo est élu à l’académie, Dumas a inauguré son théâtre, Balzac a déjà écrit 50 romans et veut en écrire 2 fois plus, la Comédie Humaine occupe tout son esprit. Sand tout juste divorcée ouvre les portes de son domaine de Nohant à ses amis, la peinture de Delacroix y rencontre la musique de Chopin tandis que la plume de George se déploie. A Paris, Nerval et Gautier élèvent la bohème en art de vivre. Tous ensemble, ils créent leur mythe quitte à légèrement romancer leur vie.

Available Versions


French, German, English





Episodes of the series

Thumbnail for The Legends of Paris - The romantic revolution (1827-1832)

The Legends of Paris - The romantic revolution (1827-1832)

Thumbnail for The Legends of Paris - Life as a novel (1834-1848)

The Legends of Paris - Life as a novel (1834-1848)

Thumbnail for The Legends of Paris - Romantic twilight (1848-1855)

The Legends of Paris - Romantic twilight (1848-1855)

Thumbnail for The Legends of Paris - The era of emancipation (1855-1871)

The Legends of Paris - The era of emancipation (1855-1871)

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